
Here there are some different styles that can help you to get inspired and decorate your own home♥️

1. Modern Mid-Century

It was created in the XX century, and its objective is to inovate the esthetic in a formal way, but without forgettin about the use of the objects.
This way the elegance and the functionality can be mixed.
They achieve incredible results using different materials as glass, metal, iron and different tipes of wood.


  • Simple forms and subtle elegance.
  • Without unnecessary details.
  • The forms and structures are shown, they are not hide.
  • Elements with an industrial fabrication are included in the design. Nature live on in this style, some natural materials,as wood, are used.

  • 2. Industrial

    Its also known as loft style. This syle is based on the old industrial units from New York, where artists and inmigrant used to live becaus of the lack of money they had to rent a flat.
    • Large windows
    • The use of worn out materials, like briks, cement and a lot of steel
    • Pillars and beams bring to light just like conduits and pipes
    • Large areas with high roofs

    Resultado de imagen de loft

    3. Navy

    If you love the sea this style is perfect for you, since it will give to your home the fresh air and the calm of the sea.

    However be careful if you live in a cold place, this style is suposed to give fresness to your home.

    • Clothing and upholstery printed whith white and blue lines.
    • Accessorys as→ seashells, sea stars, oars, lighthouses...
    • A lot of wood for the furnitures and the walls, like the deck of a ship.

    4. Scandinavian style

    The Scandinavian style gives to your home a functional and a minimalist appearence.

    Inside this styles there are some other styles, like the hygge.
    Using little details, it creates a calm atmosphere which alows you to enjoy the little things of life. 

    • Simplicity in the use of colours
    • Soft outlines
    • Harmony between industrial and organic materials
    • Functional furnitures with simple shapes.
    • Basic elements that give warmth and comfort to the house.
    • Light colours as white or grey.
    Resultado de imagen de estilo escandinavo

    5. Bohemian style

    Estilo Boho Chic, decoración de interiores cálidosThis style is also know as boho chic, hippie chic or gypsy. It catchs the free spirit of an adventurous life. The boho chic represent the lifestyle of people that like simple things and nature.

    • It´s a casual style
    • Stands out the use of colours
    • It uses natural materials (wood, leather,) in contrast to metalic details.
    • Ethnic details, for example morocan accessories or tribal style.
    • The use of creative colors as purple and red. 
    6. Farmhouse Chic
    This kind of decoration gives to your home the appearence of a cottage or farm.

    • The colors can be similar from the navy style (white, beige...)
    • The furnituresof this style are made with old wood and upholstery with patterns.
    • The lilac, soft yellow and turqoise are very used colors.
    • The apropiate location of flowers and plants
    • Vintage accessories.

    Resultado de imagen de decoracion de interiores estilo granja dormitorio

    7. Modern classic

    A new version of the eldest style. The classic style has evolved, leaving the heavy clothing and the hardwood behind.

    Resultado de imagen de decoracion de interiores estilo clasico moderno
  • Contrast between the white walls and dark furnitures. But you can also find entirely white areas.
  • Some traditional shapes are maintained. For example frames in walls, roofs and doors.
  • Traditional furnitures are combined with clothing of high quality.
  • Mixture of more modern things like glass descks.

  • In case of needing more information you can search this web page:


    1. the Modern Mid-Century style is my favorite. However, my husband's favorite style is the bohemian style. So we have decided to mix both of them and we got the scandinavian style

    2. This styles are amazing girls. I will chose different characteristics of all the styles and I will make my own style jajajajja.

      (Maialen U)


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